Set permutation scaffold
numberPermutations = 1000,
numberScaffold = 100,
storePermutations = TRUE
A scHOT object
The number of permutations, set as 1000 by default
The number of scaffold, set as 100 by default, minimum 6. if you want all combinations to do permutations then set, numberScaffold much higher than the testingScaffold
a logical flag on whether Permutations should be stored, or discarded once used
A scHOT object with storePermutations in slot scHOT_output saved
sce_MOB_subset <- MOB_subset$sce_MOB_subset
scHOT_spatial <- scHOT_buildFromSCE(sce_MOB_subset,
assayName = "logcounts",
positionType = "spatial",
positionColData = c("x", "y"))
pairs <- matrix(c("Arrb1", "Mtor", "Dnm1l", "Gucy1b3"), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
rownames(pairs) <- apply(pairs,1,paste0,collapse = "_")
scHOT_spatial <- scHOT_addTestingScaffold(scHOT_spatial, pairs)
scHOT_spatial <- scHOT_setWeightMatrix(scHOT_spatial,
positionColData = c("x","y"),
positionType = "spatial",
nrow.out = NULL,
span = 0.05)
#> weightMatrix not provided, generating one using parameter settings...
scHOT_spatial <- scHOT_calculateGlobalHigherOrderFunction(
higherOrderFunction = weightedSpearman,
higherOrderFunctionType = "weighted")
#> higherOrderFunctionType given will replace any stored param
#> higherOrderFunction given will replace any stored param
scHOT_spatial <- scHOT_setPermutationScaffold(scHOT_spatial,
numberPermutations = 100)
#> numberScaffold set higher than the scaffold, setting permutation number for all tests