Strip the scHOT output
scHOT_stripOutput(scHOT, force = TRUE, store = FALSE, file_name = NULL)
A scHOT object
A logical indicates whther forcing stripping the scHOT output
A logical flag on whether the scHOT should be stored as .rds file
A string indicates the file name of the scHOT will be stored
A scHOT object with scHOT_output striped
sce_MOB_subset <- MOB_subset$sce_MOB_subset
scHOT_spatial <- scHOT_buildFromSCE(sce_MOB_subset,
assayName = "logcounts",
positionType = "spatial",
positionColData = c("x", "y"))
scHOT_spatial <- scHOT_stripOutput(scHOT_spatial)